GGBB 2021

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Gerald Gardner’s Birthday Bash 2021

GGBB 2021 is being held virtually via Zoom again this year.

Here’s the Zoom link.

Saturday, June 12th

10:00Opening Ceremonies
10:15Don Frew & Anna Korn, “Images from the Wiccan Life of Gerald Gardner”
12:00Lunch break
12:30Diana L. Paxson “Runes for Healing”
01:30Diana Q&A
02:00Closing Ceremonies for the day

Sunday, June 13th

10:00Opening Ceremonies
10:30Philip Heselton on the History of Gerald Gardner
11:30Philip Heselton Q&A
12:00Lunch break
12:30Valerie Voigt, “Anderson Feri and Gardnerian Wicca”
01:30Valerie Voigt Q&A
02:00Closing Ceremonies